Message from the President

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Dear students who want to pursue truth and excellence:

There are so many universities and colleges all around the globe. However, this Covenant University has been established to be the beacon of truth for this dark world. So many religions and their leaders have come and gone like flood. The extreme selfishness and lost morality overflow the empty bowl of reality. And yet, here is the educational goal for the Covenant. Only contending for the truth and discovering the visionaries who are willing to sacrifice will chase the shadow away and recover the society that has long lost moral value and truthfulness. You the beloved prospective Covenant students: Covenant University has great plan and educational ideology to suit your need for the righteous faith so that we may be the stepping stone to your promising time and eternity. We have a vision based on the Word of God: “Your beginning will seem humble, so prosperous will your future be.” (Job 8:7) If you are willing to set out to invest your valuable time, talent, and treasure at the Covenant, we would share with you the partnership to be the bearers of the Light and Truth of the World. May we challenge you with an invitation from God’s promise for better scholarship and more mature faith in the Lord?

John W. Son, Ph.D.