Doctor of Theology
The purpose of the study for the degree of Doctor of Theology is to enable the candidate to achieve such mastery of the field of his specialization as will equip him to do original research and creative work in academic and pastoral ministries.
Candidates will choose their area of specialization and will do their Doctoral Project within that area. In this project they may focus on such area of theology as the following: Old Testament, New Testament, Systematic Theology, and Church History.
1. DOCTOR OF THEOLOGY: Old Testament
Doctor of Theology in Old Testament program requires 54 credits to graduate. Each student is encouraged to complete two-year recommended programs of study. Doctor of Theology in Old Testament program can be taken as recommended as follows. If you need assistance in selecting courses, please contact your mentor for his/her help.
Prophetical Books (3 credits)
OBST 807 Old Testament Motifs (3 credits)
OBST 808 Critical Methodologies (3 credits)
OBST 830 Seminar in the Old Testament Studies (3 credits)
OBST 840 Post-Exilic History and Literature (3 credits)
OBST 850 The Bible in Its Ancient Near Eastern Context (3 credits)
OBST 852 Issues in Biblical Hermeneutics (3 credits)
OBST 853 Old Testament Theology (3 credits)
OBST 854 Old Testament Archaeology (3 credits)
OBST 860 Worship of Old Testament (3 credits)
OBST 865 Directed Research in Old Testament Biblical Studies (3 credits)
OBST 867 Independent Research in Old Testament Theology (3 credits)
OBST 868 Tutorial in Old Testament Theology (3 credits)
OBST 870 Extensive Readings (3 credits)
OBST 880 Seminar in Old Testament Theology (3 credits)
OTHB 830 Hebrew Exegesis (3 credits)
OTHB 840 Seminar in Old Testament Language (3 credits)
OBST 850 Dissertation (6 credits)
2. DOCTOR OF THEOLOGY: New Testament
Doctor of Theology in New Testament program requires 54 credits to graduate. Each student is encouraged to complete two-year recommended programs of study. Doctor of Theology in New Testament program can be taken as recommended as follows.
NBST 812 New Testament Christology (3 credits)
NBST 816 The Parables of Jesus (3 credits)
NBST 817 Romans (3 credits)
NBST 818 The Pastoral Epistles (3 credits)
NBST 819 Pauline Theology (3 credits)
NBST 820 Exegesis of Pneumatology of Lucan Literature (3 credits)
NBST 821 Exegesis of Colossians (3 credits)
NBST 823 Exegesis of Ephesians (3 credits)
NBST 824 Exegesis of Philippians (3 credits)
NBST 825 The Olivet Discourse (3 credits)
NBST 826 Exegesis of The Apocalypse (3 credits)
NBST 850 Seminar in The New Testament Studies (3 credits)
NBST 851 Seminar on Exegesis and Linguistics (3 credits)
NBST 852 Seminar on Current NT Biblical Theological Issues (3 credits)
NBST 853 New Testament Textual Criticism (3 credits)
NBST 854 Directed Research in New Testament Biblical Studies (3 credits)
NBST 867 Independent Research in New Testament Theology (3 credits)
NBST 868 Tutorial in New Testament Theology (3 credits)
NGRK 830 Greek Exegesis: Galatians (3 credits)
NGRK 840 Seminar in New Testament Greek (3 credits)
NBST 880 Dissertation (6 credits)
3. DOCTOR OF THEOLOGY: Systematic Theology
Doctor of Theology in Systematic Theology program requires 54 credits to graduate. Each student is encouraged to complete two-year recommended programs of study. Doctor of Theology in Systematic Theology program can be taken as recommended as follows.
THEO 820 Research Methods (3credits)
THEO 830 Issues on Medical Ethics (3 credits)
THEO 850 Roman Catholicism (3 credits)
THEO 852 Issues on Puritan Theology (3 credits)
THEO 860 Issues on Doctrine of Man (3 credits)
THEO 861 Issues on Theology Proper (3 credits)
THEO 862 Theology of Karl Barth (3 credits)
THEO 863 Theology of Atonement (3 credits)
THEO 864 Doctrine of Sanctification (3 credits)
THEO 865 Theology of Sacraments (3 credits)
THEO 866 The Theology of John Calvin (3 credits)
THEO 867 Issues in Ecclesiology (3 credits)
THEO 868 The Theology of Dietrich Bonhoeffer (3 credits)
THEO 869 Directed Research in Systematic Theology (3 credits)
THEO 870 Independent Research in Systematic Theology (3 credits)
THEO 871 Tutorial in Systematic Theology (3 credits)
THEO 880 Seminar in Systematic Theology (3 credits)
THEO 890 Advanced Seminar in Theological Studies (3 credits)
THEO 891 Dissertation (6 credits)
4. DOCTOR OF THEOLOGY: Church History
Doctor of Theology in Church History program requires 54 credits to graduate. Each student is encouraged to complete two-year recommended programs of study. Doctor of Theology in Church History program can be taken as recommended as follows.
CHHI 808 The Church Fathers (3 credits)
CHHI 809 The Church in the Greco-Roman World (3 credits)
CHHI 810 History of the Reformation (3 credits)
CHHI 812 The Church in the Modern Age (3 credits)
CHHI 835 Anabaptist Reformation (3 credits)
CHHI 836 Puritanism (3 credits)
CHHI 837 American Church History and Theology (3 credits)
CHHI 842 Asian Church History (3 credits)
CHHI 843 Korean Church History (3 credits)
CHHI 848 Contemporary Ecumenical Issues (3 credits)
CHHI 849 History of Evangelism (3 credits)
CHHI 850 History and Theology of Revivals (3 credits)
CHHI 852 Historical Development of Christian Theology (3 credits)
CHHI 860 Historical and Theological Foundations of Missions (3 credits)
CHHI 861 History and Culture of New Testament Times (3 credits)
CHHI 880 Seminar in Church History (3 credits)
CHHI 890 Directed Research in Church History (3 credits)
CHHI 894 Independent Research in Church History (3 credits)
CHHI 895 Tutorial in Church History (3 credits)
CHHI 896 Dissertation (6 credits)
Grand Unit Total: 54 credits
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